Now I have been waiting for 2 weeks now to write about the bestest of trips ever.....The one at Shankarpur......The one with the Seven Men who stood the test of time(yeah we really did...!!)...The one where we built a castle.....The one where we (actually I) ate a pomphret (nada did i spell it ryt..??)......The one with the sand castle and pyramid........The one with our own cool i guess i must save the rest........I forgot one...The one with Mulchand.....( hehehe... kya nick hai...:)) yo porno...the dhulchands...)
Now the whole idea popped up in someones mind (I dont remember who....whoever
he was thnks man....)...Wen the whole trip was being planned I was watching my video lectures at XX ( 2x....double speed yaar....wats on ur mind..:)) )....actually i had an xam on Saturday and I was the only one in the predicament......(lone traveler....on hot desert sand....i swear every minute was like that....) See in the beginning the trip was being planned for the whole weekend.....the plan was to go to Puri and the white sand beaches...may b visit to some of the temples and other local tourist spots.....but bcoz of me the whole trip had to b postponed and was made a one day affair.....
Now let me Introduce the stars of our story.......
Abhay--Smoochy...( we've got another nick for him but it can be a bit graphical...)
Dibyendu--Nada....(Dada Kichhu hobe na.....!!)
Kaustub- KG...( Mulchand....:)) )
Pranav--Porno....(Just Signed in....!!)
Tiwari--tiwari....(beh gaya.......!!)
Vikas--VeaKaRSe....(Humain auNTy Kaun bana diya....??)
and Me ( ab kya Fayda.......)
We were supposed to leave on saturday night......So I found myself being called out for a wing meeting.....everyone had gathered out in the corridor as if they meant after some of the usual 'bhashandbazi' an audience poll was conducted......and to everyones surprise Puri got maximum no. of votes(shankarpur being the loser......thnks to Emili with his crucial vote..the one who never made it....:( ) KG a.k.a. mulchand was really pissed off with the decision....headed straight back to his room he appeared i dont know wat happened after that but after the xam next morning i found the whole plan changed and we were going to Shankarpur.......
The preparation began at a fierce pace as soon as the sun was down.........mulchand( sry kg but achha sound kar raha hai...!!) and I were to get the this firewood was idea of the Chef pOgO....he wished to cook(anyone can cook :) ) I had always heard stories of pOgO being a damn good cook but I had never had a bite of his i seriously doubted his skills....thnk god i was proved wrong...varna we would have had to do with just the 'DABs'...Coming bak to the firewood...we got the firewood and returned for a dinner.....I sat in KGs room and we started watching "How I Met Your Mother"...the first time i ever saw i luv it...its Legen....wait for it...Darry.....Weakarse and pOgO got the food......after all the food and firewood collecting.....we went for dinner....(only at our mess :(( )
The part leading upto this point has been kind of i should tell u that fun is about to begin.......our ride for the trip...a maruti omni van.was to arrive at 1:00am...but pOgO insisted to get it at 12:30 so that we get to the beach early and have a nice bonfire and a quite we did the same......but fate had other plans......out of nowhere a thick and depressing mist covered the whole of....i dont know atleast al the roads we were to traverse........the van did come...we were all ready for a great trip.......
the van did come....but we never left.......the mist....the *$@kin mist....the sterile fog covering the area.....just made it impossible for the driver to we decided to bail out......we concluded that we could still leave at 3:00 in the morning.....
now it was decided that whoever gets up first would wake up the rest of the gang........I also had an alarm setup for 3:00 am......but it never rang( as far as i know..:) )....nobody came to wake me up.........finally wen i opened my eyes.....i dont recollect who wake me up....but wen i did wake was already 5:30am........we were late but luckily the fog had vanished and we had a beautiful morning with cool breeze sweeping the balcony........i still remember how comforting the wind was.......there was a renewed sense of urgency in our contingent...a guy slapping,kicking and knocking other guys door....other shouting other's name with a lot of curses to get them out of bed.....but i guess all will agree that it was really great getting up that morning.........we got our things together by 6:00 -6:15.....We finally took off at 6:30am.......a long road lies ahead.....!!!!!!! (to be continued......picture abhi baki hai mere dost...:)) )
thanks for capturing the day very accurately and penning them down ... keep up the good work ( i'm too lazy to write one :D) .. and complete the entry :P
dost complete karne main madad kar na...likhne ka tempo nahi ban raha hai.... :(
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