Sunday, March 7, 2010

10 Things I want to do before I die..

Although some of the following things may seem utterly impossible and crazy, I would love to do them. Who cares about the possible. Dream On!! 
  1. To attend a Metallica or Iron Maiden Concert: I have had this dream  for a 3 odd years to attend a good rock/metal concert. I hope one of them comes to India and I am there.
  2. To drive a F-1 car or any car for that matter at speeds in excess of 300Kmph: First things first. I need to learn how to drive and posses a valid driving license. Moreover, hope that either F-1 comes to India or I go and watch a Grand Prix. I still have my fingers crossed.
  3. To orbit earth in a spacecraft: One of the absurd fantasies of almost every human being; to watch earth, glowing blue in color, spinning. Watch the cloud cover, the lights lightening cities like fireflies twinkling in the backyard. To gawk at the moon, to stare at the countless stars. To be humbled by the beauty of this universe and the power of its creator.
  4. To go to a 7 star hotel and stay overnight: Seems far fetched now. But I would love to dine at a 7 star hotel.
  5. To witness snowfall: I come from central part of India where it hardly rains these days. I am yet to see actual snowflakes falling from the sky.
  6. To own a beach house: Another common fantasy. A house by a river or pond or sea. It would be awesome to own a place where I can go and relax whenever I want.
  7. To win a lottery: As a child, I collected all those Britannia wrappers, cold drink lids etc., scratched gazillion cards, but never won a thing. So the wish still remains. I would like to win something for a change.
  8. To tour India with my parents: This is the most achievable one. It is the one which I want to check off of my list ASAP.
  9. To find my soulmate: This is a tricky one. No progress whatsoever.
  10. To watch Sachin make another double century: He has done it once, may He do it twice. 
I might have left out some of the things like traveling, visiting wonders of the world, watching a WWE wrestling match, start a company of my own, snipe a mannequin, jump off of a really tall tower, play poker at a really big casino, visit a strip club etc. I did not give this list a lot of thought. The more I think about it, the harder it gets. So better it remains spontaneous. :)
