to the place..
to the rat race..
to the lyf's easy pace..
to the amazing frnds..
to the crazy profs..
to the hectic OP..
to the dreadful farewell..
to the 8 semesters..
to the 8 midsems..
to the 8 endsems..
to the 2 suppli..
to the 4 DP's..
to the 1 hall..
to the supporting hallmates..
to the forever wingies..
to the unfortunate 'batti' depmates..
to the first year bros..
to the insipid food..
to the occasional flood..
to the seeping ceilings..
to the broken window panes..
to the ____ bongs..
to the frustrating bengali..
to the awesome moments..
to the arbit frusstapas..
to the lifesaving DC++..
to the unbearable powercuts..
to the very long labs..
to the boring lectures..
to the tempo of ILU..
to the hall enthu..
to the fending teams..
to the lasting groups..
to the coveted GCs..
to the dream FTs..
to the fun hangouts..
to the long nightouts..
to the inclement summers..
to the eternal rains..
to the cool winters..
to the beautiful springs..
to the small stories..
to the huge events..
to the first drink..
to the last class..
to the laughs we shared..
to the pain we bore..
to the fake medical certies..
to the real hospitalizations..
to the little lessons learnt..
to the sleepless nights spent..
to the short trips..
to the kolkata visits..
to the long walks..
to the mess top..
to the free flowing booze..
to the expensive treats..
to the very old cheddi..
to the always tikka..
to the apna ravida..
to the impossible breakfasts..
to the unavoidable midnight snacks..
to the much hated pappus..
to the other restaurants..
to the TSG..
to the techmarket..
to the 2.2 ..
to the CL..
to the load..
to the peace..
to the old mates..
to the new that awaits..
Cheers to all frnds..Cheers to the time I spent..Cheers to journey called life..
Cheers to the KGP Spirit..