Music.....what is music...?? who discovered it....? when was the first music played.....??? who was the first human being to enjoy music....?? now this shit is getting heavy.....isn't it...:)
On a more serious note, the webster's dictionary defines music as " the art of arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce a unified and continuous composition"....well a more dramatic ,popular and fancy way to define music is "ne sound that reaches the heart and soul of a human being"... it is an art....yeah it truly is ( if u dont feel so, after listening to himesh u will )....and not only the topiwala nasal son *$ b#$ch, but lately a lot of music videos u c on TV are nothin but a rich brat with spare money and craving to dance with half naked chicks crying his testis out of his throat imagining himself as one big rockstar....(guys pls!!! pls don't torture us....if u have xtra money go to a brothel,do a commercial for ur own f#$@in business but pls don't sing and play.....)....even the music channels have gone dumb...playin every shit that comes their way.....i dont say that youngsters should not be given chances....but a certain standard is a must......otherwise some day Om Puri will start singing....and u never know he myt b a big hit....neways 2 much of takin done.....lets get to the point....
Music is like a balm...a bottle of wine(don't have a clue how it tastes but i guess its gud...)...a cool breeze....gentle stream of water.....MUSIC IS MAN.....everything has music built in it....listening to gud music can b as soothing as hot shower....as calming an experience as dipping one's feet in a river or pool.....as baskin on chilly day......lik a bottle of cold water after a long rough day......it is like clear raindrops falling down on your face( now even I am cravin for some of these)
Everyone encounters and enjoys music in his life....it is one frnd that never betrays us....it is with us while dancing to the gud ol tunes at a marriage or a party.......it is with us in ballads.....it is with us in pain....it is with us in our love.....it is with us in our happiest moments...... it gets us through misery and pain.....it is played in glory and praise.....sing when we are happy...we sing when we are sad....Music is the way we express ourself...is the way we feel....Music is who we are......
Music is life.....life is music..... a deceptively simple maxim.....now lets imagine a world without music.......it is difficult lets give it a shot.........
One day you get up and u find that u can no more njoy music......now lets work on the implications.....
now the first thing that I can think of as student is that I wont b able to sit in front of my lapi for this long without it......Indian movies without songs are like...like dustbin without trash......(couldnt think of a better xample....) music is wat makes the difference between the one clicks and the one which nose dives on boxoffice.......
the loss of music will effect some deeply.....these will be those who njoy love songs.....till the nyt before this....they use to sing and hum when they were about to meet someone...but now what will they do.....wat can they possibly do.......(its so sad.......)...when we r takin of love then breakups cant b left out.....now even the breakups are incomplete without some gud sad music......(luk at the irony gud sad music...!!)
u cant deny that music is a very important part of us growing up.....sleeping to our first lullaby....(best part of childhood)....humming love songs for ur first crush.......singing in the bathroom...........playing antakshari with your frnds.........(khelta velta kuch nahi...dusri team ki bandi pe line marta hai..!!) listening to love songs when in ur first true love.......(oh i almost forgot........college...i cant miss that one.....sing in chorus with a gang of frnds when on a holiday trip....)....after that comes the night of your marriage.....(happy or sad woh to baad main pata chalega...)...or dancing at one of your frnd's marriage procession.....(may b meetin a cute gal...bla bla bla.....the fantasy of every single guy........)...then after that music is more like a soothing balm to alleviate day to day miseries.....it is more about serious stuff........
after this phase comes the phase where u search for peace in music u listen......ppl often turn to devotional music in later stages of their life......
now i think it myt b easy to imagine a world without music.........A world without music is like a painting without color.....a computer without a mouse.....a mosquito repellent without a refill.......a toilet without a flush......a phone without ne balance.....trousers without a zip.......a game without rules...........a black without a white......a body without soul......So the moral of the story is LYF IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT MUSIC.....and the day i was not talkin about is as far away as the Soap "Kyunki Saas..." is from its conclusion.....so njoy music......jus put ur hands in the air and move your body...shake ur arse.......just move your body....don't be shy my honey......:)) GO CRAZZZZZZY.....