I have been thinkin for a long time......about a topic to write on....:)) finally it occured to me y not write on the LGBs......the KGP's very own Little Green Bastards...... :P every KGPian know they r bastards.....
Little Green BaD't'arss(Bastards) ( oh i screwed up the spelling....:) ) are a resilient and formidable force to say the least....... they frustrate you, they bug u to the very limits of sanity.....they drive u out of ur rooms(even we as seniors r not dat effective..... :)) gud human resource management skills LGB f#$k3$s)....they are every where..... omnipresent.....in one way GODs......
Oh for non KGPians LGBs a.k.a. Little Green Bastards, i keep using this name out of hate and for kicks.....it sounds like name of some big rock band......, are very organized species of insects which attack KGP every year in the rainy season. They like i dunno heat or light....but they surely lik one thing TUBE-LIGHTS...taadaaaaa(a bit exaggeration with the dramatization of the whole thing).They hover over every single tubelight,bulb streetlight they find.....for them all these r equal.....more light means more LGBs at one place.....n for them this means real fun.....
This year this evil force was able to amass an army so strong that it shook the very foundation KGPians life, his room..... :((.... they r green and have limited availability in sandy brown as well...(but the stock was limited this year....:)) ) if u think they r small, u aint know nothing yet.They bait u in every way possible.They dont have size but they sure have numbers.They get into every possible hole in your body( i m talkin about holes open to atmosphere... :))) )....they run through the vast stretches of hairy patches on your legs and hands( this applies all my hairy bros out thr readin ;) )...for a sec. it feels nice but the next moment it becomes annoying, and i really mean crimson red faces. u try to kill every bug with ur hands, but it is impossible....they r too f(_)K|/|/ many......u feel helpless and can do nothing to hit back.....u have to run for shelter.....and the only thing that can b done is to escape into the DARKNESS..............if u dont turn off ur lights they will really give u a hard time.......and even if u do turn off the light they gather on your computer screens....their favorite hangout place..... :) i mean they 2 lik watching movies(al kinds of stuff.....) n checkin out profiles on orkut....u know wat i mean... ;)....
So finally u have to shut down your computer as well.......so the only options left are:
a) friends room
b) jerk off n sleep
c) go somewhere to eat
d) remain out of ur room
e) dont know wat to do, endsems r round the corner
usually a) and b) are not the options that u go for.....bcoz bugs r in ur frnds room as well.......:))... and u usually dont sleep dat early.....so one of the gud options is to go out to eat smthin.......
Now cookin hygiene in KGP is world class.....by far the worst i've seen..( remember the canteen staff guys.......:)) )....now wat can we expect.....order for a tea...u will get a cup of tea garnished with some crunchy LGBs to go with........if u wanna have some burger or an omelette, as soon as u open your mouth u will find out that two or three of them have already slipped in........
Other option left was to stay away from light and out of your room......this means no movies,no CS,FIFA,NFS...etc.. which is really painful....
LGBs bring DARKNESS with them and they must b exterminated......they r a dark force that works in systematic way to frustrate the already frusst janta of KGP.....they render many homeless(roomless..:)) ) and hundreds frustrated......they live a very short life and die hovering around the same tubelight.......they really create a great deal of mess(imagine thousands of small green insects lying all over your desk,floor and bed.....
but there is a positive side to them....they bring people out of their rooms or make them sleep early.........they are here to stay whether u lik it or not........ :)))